New master student
Welcome to the Department of Geology. Below is some useful information for your studies here.
Arriving to Lund
FAQs covid-19 and studies at LU
Information about registration, email and other practical things
All you need to know for your arrival in Lund is gathered at the International desk webpage for new students. It is about email accounts, what to bring, registration, transportation in Lund, social life and all important things that you need to know to get started.
Information for new international students
Information for new Swedish students
At our department
The introductory meeting is important
It is a requirement that you attend the introductory meeting and the call if you have been admitted to an education. This allows you to keep your place on the course. If you can't come, you must say until I advance. Registration takes place in conjunction with the introductory meeting.
Student on Master Programmes
For Bedrock Geology students, the autumn starts with "Sedimentary Geology and Basin Analysis (GEOM10)" followed by Magmatic Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology (GEOM11)".
For Quaternary Geology students, the autumn starts with "Glacial Sedimentology - Processes, Sediments and Landform Systems (GEON05)" followed by Palaeoecological Methods and Environmental Analysis (GEON06)".
For Biogeology students, the autumn starts with "Sedimentary Geology and Basin Analysis (GEOM10)" followed by Palaeoecological Methods and Environmental Analysis (GEON06)".
Note that these courses include excursions and significant field components that requires physical presence in Lund.
Course schedules can be found on the respective course websites (see above).
The student administration office
Theodor at the student administration office is happy to help you with for example:
- registration on courses,
- finding your way to classrooms and labs,
- registering documents and grades into LADOK,
- re-exams
You can find us on the second floor, Geocentre II, Sölvegatan 12, Lund.
Student administration contact
Students administration
studieadmin [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (studieadmin[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Student Counsellor and International Coordinator
Karl Ljung,
studievagledare [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (studievagledare[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Karl Ljung