Charlotte Sparrenbom
Senior lecturer

I’m a researcher and senior lecturer at the Division of Geology and my research interest mainly focuses on groundwater issues even though I have experiences from other disciplines such as reconstruction of sea-level changes and isostatic adjustment modeling. The groundwater research focuses on occurrence, fate and behavior of organic and inorganic contaminants in groundwater and sediments within the groundwater system, as well as changes in groundwater quality over time and investigation methods of groundwater conditions.
I have especially been working with occurrence and behavior of pesticides in groundwater (the Pegasus project) and ammonium and arsenic contamination of drinking water resources the Amonas project) as well as age determination and mixing of groundwater and its relationship to contaminants (Region Skåne/SGU-financed project). Currectly my group is involved in the Trust-project (Transparent Underground Structures 2.1 and 2.4) concerning "Geoelectrical Imaging for Site Investigation of Urban Underground Infrastructure" and "Combinedinvestigation methodsinunderground construction projects -monitoring water qualitychangeswithgeoelectrical measurements". We are also involved in a project concerning "Non-invasive characterization of contaminating chlorinated ethenes in soil and groundwater using compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and geoelectrical imaging (DCIP)" within the ACDC project.
I teach and manage courses in geolgy focusing on environmental aspects such as groundwater pollutants and methods for groundwater investigation (GeoP05 Hydrogeology), landfill construction, rules and regulations concerning landfills as well as investigation and monitoring thereof (GeoC06 Land Use and Waste disposal). I also teach on the subject of contaminated land and management thereof (GeoP04 Environmental Soil Investigations) as well as medical geology (GeoC02) and at the first introduction course on geological aspects for Environmental Science students (GeoA80 Earth, Water and the Environment).
I try to involve bachelor (GeoL01) and master student (GeoR02) projects within our research projects and help students networking with professionals within the environmental sector such as authorities, consultants, entrepreneurs, other universities as well as the public. I enjoy the interaction between different societal sectors to improve the knowledge and state of our environment. See for example the knowledge project "Lilla Klåveröd" where the SGU price winner for best student project 2014, Jorunn Falkenhaug, has written about groundwater and the hydrogeological cycle at a small area at Söderåsen, Scania. See also the film about Jorunns work and Lilla Klåveröd. Together, we can all make an impact for a better environment and protection of our water resources!
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Assimilation and value of injection response data for enhanced contaminated site characterization
Nikolas Benavides Höglund, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Rui Hugman
(2024) Hydrogeology Journal
Journal articleGroundwater modelling for decision-support in practice: Insights from Sweden
Nikolas Benavides Höglund, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Roland Barthel, Emil Haraldsson
(2024) Ambio: a Journal of Environment and Society
Journal articleA decade of applied groundwater modelling in Sweden: bridging the gaps between academic advancements, industry, and higher education
Nikolas Benavides Höglund, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Roland Barthel
PosterMultidisciplinary monitoring of an in-situ remediation test of chlorinated solvents
Aristeidis Nivorlis, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Matteo Rossi, Sofia Åkesson, Torleif Dahlin
(2024) Science of the Total Environment, 922
Journal articleAssimilating hydraulic response data from in-situ bioremediation injection treatment for improved decision-support modelling
Nikolas Benavides Höglund, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Rui Hugman
(2024) 36th nordic geological winter meeting, Göteborg, January 10–12 2024, Abstract volume : Geologiska Föreningen Specialpublikation, 5 p.39-39
Conference paperA Transparent Modelling Workflow for the Assessment of Surface Water-Groundwater Exchange Flux at a PCE Contaminated Site
Nikolas Benavides Höglund, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Rui Hugman
PosterA probabilistic assessment of surface water-groundwater exchange flux at a PCE contaminated site using groundwater modelling
Nikolas Benavides Höglund, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Rui Hugman
(2023) Frontiers in Earth Science, 11
Journal article”Vattnet behöver få plats i riksdagen – Sverige behöver en vattenplan.”
Johanna Alkan Olsson, Dan-Erik Andersson, Ronny Berndtsson, Georgia (Gia) Destouni, Maria Caroline Hansson, et al.
(2022) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleLongtime monitoring of biogeochemical changes in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents
Sofia Åkesson, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Catherine J. Paul, Henry Holmstrand
Conference paper: abstractCharacterizing natural degradation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) using a multidisciplinary approach
Sofia Åkesson, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Catherine J. Paul, Robin Jansson, Henry Holmstrand
(2020) Ambio: a Journal of the Human Environment, 50 p.1074-1088
Journal articleMultidisciplinary characterization of chlorinated solvents contamination and in-situ remediation with the use of the direct current resistivity and time-domain induced polarization tomography
Aristeidis Nivorlis, Torleif Dahlin, Matteo Rossi, Nikolas Höglund, Charlotte Sparrenbom
(2019) Geosciences (Switzerland), 9
Journal articleHydrogeological response to injection fluids
Nikolas Benavides Höglund, Sofia Åkesson, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Julia Björn, Christopher Power
Conference paper: abstractDetektion av mikrober i utmanande miljöer
Sofia Åkesson, Catherine J. Paul, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom
Conference paper: abstractGroundwater arsenic biogeochemistry - Key questions & use of tracers to understand arsenic-prone groundwater systems
David Polya, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Saugata Datta, Huaming Guo
(2019) Geoscience Frontiers, 10 p.1635-1641
Journal article reviewCombining spectral induced polarization with x-ray tomography to investigate the importance of DNAPL geometry in sand samples
Sara Johansson, Matteo Rossi, Stephen Hall, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, David Hagerberg, et al.
(2019) Geophysics, 84 p.173-188
Journal articlePredicting the fate of chlorinated aliphatics by hydrogeological modelling and DCIP data - Färgaren case study
M. Lumetzberger, H. Rosqvist, C. Sparrenbom, T. Dahlin, S. Johansson
Conference paperAn innovative methodology for monitoring of in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents – the MIRACHL-Project.
Håkan Rosqvist, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Torleif Dahlin, Matteo Rossi, Mats Svensson, et al.
Conference paper: abstractDevelopment of an innovative methodology for monitoring of in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents – the MIRACHL-project
Håkan Rosqvist, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Torleif Dahlin, Matteo Rossi, Mats Svensson, et al.
(2018) , p.112-112
PosterMultidisciplinary approach to characterize natural degradation of PCE
Sofia Åkesson, Robin Jansson, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Catherine J. Paul, Henry Holmstrand, et al.
(2018) , p.58-59
Conference paper: abstractEkologiskt vatten
Persson Göran, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Peter Dahlqvist
Conference paper: abstractCharacterisation and monitoring of in-situ remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination using an interdisciplinary approach (MIRACHL)
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Håkan Rosqvist, Torleif Dahlin, Henry Holmstrand, Catherine J. Paul, et al.
Conference paper: abstractA review of contamination of surface-, ground-, and drinking water in Sweden by perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)
Stefan Banzhaf, Marko Filipovic, Jeffrey Lewis, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Roland Barthel
(2017) Ambio: a Journal of the Human Environment, 46 p.335-346
Journal articleInvestigations of a Cretaceous limestone with spectral induced polarization and scanning electron microscopy
Sara Johansson, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Gianluca Fiandaca, Anders Lindskog, Per-ivar Olsson, et al.
(2017) Geophysical Journal International, 208 p.954-972
Journal articleInvestigation of chlorinated solvent pollution with resistivity and induced polarization
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Sofia Åkesson, Sara Johansson, David Hagerberg, Torleif Dahlin
(2017) Science of the Total Environment, 575 p.767-778
Journal articleArsenic Research and Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As2016), June 19-23, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden
(2016) Arsenic in the Environment - Proceedings
Conference publicationCombining non-invasive techniques for delimitation and monitoring of chlorinated solvents in groundwater
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Sofia Åkesson, David Hagerberg, Torleif Dahlin, Henry Holmstrand, et al.
Conference paper: abstractPoly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in raw and drinking water : current situation in Sweden and Germany.
Stefan Banzhaf, Kai Bester, Marko Filiopovic, Jeffrey Lewis, Tobias Licha, et al.
Conference paper: abstractEditors’ foreword
Prosun Bhattacharya, Marie Vahter, Jerker Jarsjö, Jurate Kumpiene, Arslan Ahmad, et al.
(2016) Arsenic Research and Global Sustainability - Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, AS 2016
Conference prefaceStimulated reductive dechlorination identified with induced polarization - a new opportunity to monitor in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents?
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Sofia Åkesson, David Hagerberg, Sara Johansson, Torleif Dahlin
PosterStimulerad reduktiv deklorering identifierad med inducerad polarisation : en ny möjlighet för övervakning av in‐situ sanering av klorerade lösningsmedel?
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Sofia Åkesson, David Hagerberg, Sara Johansson, Torleif Dahlin
(2015) , p.1-19
Conference paper: abstractOn the scope and management of pesticide pollution of Swedish groundwater resources: The Scanian example
Maria Åkesson, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Peter Dahlqvist, Stephen Fraser
(2015) Ambio: a Journal of the Human Environment, 44 p.226-238
Journal articleVatten, vatten, bara vanligt vatten?
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom
(2015) 15 hållbara lösningar för framtiden , p.165-177
Book chapterIdentification of Possible Weakness Zones in Limestone Bedrock by Resistivity and Induced Polarization
Sara Johansson, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Torleif Dahlin
(2015) Near Surface Geoscience 2015 - 21st European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Conference paperTracing sources of ammonium in reducing groundwater in a well field in Hanoi (Vietnam) by means of stable nitrogen isotope (d15N) values
Jenny Norrman, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Michael Berg, Dang Duc Nhan, Gunnar Jacks, et al.
(2015) Applied Geochemistry, 61 p.248-258
Journal articleConstraining age distributions of groundwater from public supply wells in diverse hydrogeological settings in Scania, Sweden
Maria Åkesson, Axel Suckow, Ate Visser, Jürgen Sültenfuss, Troels Laier, et al.
(2015) Journal of Hydrology, 528 p.217-229
Journal articlePFAS – A threat for groundwater and drinking water supply in Sweden?
Jeffrey Lewis, Stefan Banzhaf, Malva Ahlkrona, Berit Arnheimer, Roland Barthel, et al.
(2015) Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17
Conference paper: abstractDetection of degradation zones in a groundwater plume of chlorinated hydrocarbons using resistivity and TDIP
David Hagerberg, Sara Johansson, Mats Svensson, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Håkan Rosqvist, et al.
PosterDelineation of a free phase chlorinated hydrocarbon plume with resistivity and TDIP.
Sara Johansson, Per-Ivar Olsson, Mikael Lumetzberger, Torleif Dahlin, Håkan Rosqvist, et al.
(2014) , p.1-16
Conference paper: abstractKommunernas avloppshantering bara liten del av problemet
Charlotte Sparrenbom, Maria Åkesson, Hillevi Virgin, Peter Dahlqvist, Mattias Gustafsson, et al.
(2014) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleGeoelectrical Imaging for Pre-investigation for Urban Underground Infrastructure
Torleif Dahlin, Håkan Rosqvist, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Mats Svensson, Esben Auken, et al.
(2014) , p.46-46
Conference paper: abstractSverige måste bli bättre på att kontrollera dricksvattnet
Charlotte Sparrenbom, Maria Åkesson, Hillevi Virgin, Peter Dahlqvist, Mattias Gustafsson, et al.
(2014) Dagens Nyheter
Newspaper articleBehov av nationellt övervakningsprogram för bekämpningsmedel
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, MARIA ÅKESSON, Hillevi Virgin, Peter Dahlqvist, Jenny Kreuger
(2014) Geologiskt Forum , p.30-30
Newspaper articleKartlägg det förorenade dricksvattnet!
Jeffery Lewis, Stefan Banzhaf, Malva Ahlkrona, Berith Arheimer, Roland Barthel, et al.
(2014) Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt
Newspaper articleHur gammalt är VATTNET?
MARIA ÅKESSON, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom
(2014) Geologiskt Forum , p.14-14
Newspaper articleModelling pesticide transport in a shallow groundwater catchment using tritium and helium-3 data
Maria Åkesson, David Bendz, Christel Carlsson, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Jenny Kreuger
(2014) Applied Geochemistry, 50 p.231-239
Journal articleGrundvattendagarna 2013
(2013) Rapporter och meddelanden
Conference publicationDatering av grundvatten ur ett riskfokusperspektiv
MARIA ÅKESSON, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom
(2013) , p.79-79
Conference paper: abstractGeoelectrical imaging for site investigation for urban underground infrastructure : a TRUST-project
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Torleif Dahlin, Håkan Rosqvist, Mats Svensson, Esben Auken, et al.
(2013) , p.64-65
Conference paper: abstractUsing groundwater age and its modeled distribution together with sorption and biodegradation data to predict pesticide occurrence in groundwater
Christel Carlsson, MARIA ÅKESSON, David Bendz, Charlotte J. Sparrenbom
Conference paper: abstractStatistical screening for descriptive parameters for pesticide occurrence in a shallow groundwater catchment
Maria Åkesson, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Carlsson Christel, Kreuger Jenny
(2013) Journal of Hydrology, 477 p.165-174
Journal articleHolocene relative sea-level changes in the inner Bredefjord area, southern Greenland
Charlotte Sparrenbom, Ole Bennike, Daniel Fredh, Linda Randsalu Wendrup, Dan Zwartz, et al.
(2013) Quaternary Science Reviews, 69 p.107-124
Journal articleTransport av kemiska bekämpningsmedel samt fastläggnings- och nedbrytningskarakterisering i en vertikal transekt genom mark- och grundvattenzonen i Vemmenhögs tillrinningsområde, södra Sverige
Christel Carlsson, Maria Åkesson, David Bendz, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Anja Enell
(2013) Slutrapport för forskningsprojekt/Pegasus (Pesticides in groundwater - a study for sustainable use in Skåne)
ReportArsenik i grundvattnet – vad beror det på ?
Charlotte J. Sparrenbom, Rebecka Olsén, Johan Lindenbaum
(2012) Geologiskt Forum , p.14-14
Newspaper articleConstraining the southern Greenland ice sheet since the last glacial maximum until the present from sea-level observations and glacial-isostatic adjustment models
Charlotte Sparrenbom, Kurt Lambeck, Derek Fabel, Kevin Fleming, Anthony Purcell
(2009) IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6
Conference paper: abstractChanging groundwater levels jeopardizing the supply, quality of groundwater and ground stability
Charlotte Sparrenbom, Mattias Gustafsson, Kristian Hemström, Thomas Rihm
(2009) IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6
Conference paper: abstractArsenic mobilisation in a new well field for drinking water production along the Red River, Nam Du, Hanoi
Jenny Norrman, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Michael Berg, Dang Duc Nhan, Pham Quy Nhan, et al.
(2008) Applied Geochemistry, 23 p.3127-3142
Journal articleGlacial and palaeo-environmental history of the Cape Chelyuskin area, Arctic Russia
Per Möller, G Federov, M Pavlov, M.-S. Seidenkrantz, Charlotte Sparrenbom
(2008) Polar Research, 27 p.222-248
Journal articleDating of the Narssarssuaq stade in southern Greenland
Ole Bennike, Charlotte Sparrenbom
(2007) The Holocene, 17 p.279-282
Journal articleStrandforskydning i Grönland
Ole Bennike, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Svante Björck
(2006) Groenland (Charlottenlund), 5 p.188-202
Journal articleRelative sea-level changes since 15 000 cal. yr BP in the Nanortalik area, southern Greenland
Charlotte Sparrenbom, O Bennike, Svante Björck, K Lambeck
(2006) Journal of Quaternary Science, 21 p.29-48
Journal articleConstraining the Southern Part of the Greenland Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum from Relative Sea-Level Changes, Cosmogenic Dates and Glacial-Isostatic Adjustment Models
Charlotte Sparrenbom
(2006) Lundqua thesis
DissertationHolocene relative sea-level changes in the Qaqortoq area, southern Greenland
Charlotte Sparrenbom, O Bennike, Svante Björck, K Lambeck
(2006) Boreas, 35 p.171-187
Journal articleRelative sea level changes in the southern Greenland sector after the last glacial maximum
Svante Björck, Charlotte Sparrenbom
(2003) Polarforskningssekretariatet, Årsbok 2002 (Polarforskningssekretariatets Årsbok) , p.70-74
Book chapter